This web page took several hours to scan, research, design, and upload. Thank you for supporting the Virtual Steam Car Museum!

In collaboration with the Steam Automobile of America, the Virtual Steam Car Museum is happy present this list of museums whose collections hold steam cars and libraries whose collections hold steam car archival material.

Please Contact Us with information about museums and libraries that have steam cars or steam car archival collections. Please send full contact information, particularly the correct institutional name and web site address.

This is a work in progress. Thank you for contributing.

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Museums and Libraries with Steam Cars and Archival Collectins

The Letter A

The Letter B

The Letter C

The Letter E

The Letter E

The Letter H

The Letter K

The Letter L

The Letter M

The Letter N

The Letter O

The Letter P

The Letter S

The Letter W

Museums No Longer

This section documents museums that are no longer in existance, primarily private collections once housed as museums.

The Letter H

The Letter K

The Letter M

Contact us if you have additional information about museums and library that have steam cars or archival materials, or if you have questions.

Thank you for your financial support.

Subscribe to the Virtual Steam Car Museum Newsletter!

This web page took several hours to scan, research, design, and upload. Thank you for supporting the Virtual Steam Car Museum!