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Only one Lane Steam Wagon was produced, despite plans to continue manufacture.  The 6-passenger vehicle featured such safety controls as a self-closing throttle.  The Lane was cumbersome at 3,200 lbs., however, and only able to achieve a speed of 15 mph.  It was a dual-purpose machine and could be used for passengers or to carry merchandise.[1]

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Lane and Dailey Company, October 1901, Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal, p. 56, Photocopy, Conde Collection.

The Lane and Dailey Company of Barre, VT built a "Steam Touring Wagon" that warranted editorial space in the October 1901 issue of Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal, p. 56. It shared page space with the Prescott steam car. John A. Conde Collection.

[1]Georgano, G. N., Encyclopedia of American Automobile, (New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1968), p. 114.

Contact us if you have additional information about the Lane and Dailey Company, or if you have questions.

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