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The Rochester was one of the many light steam buggies of the period. t had a vertical 2-cylinder engine, single chain drive, and tiller steering. Like most of its contemporaries, it had full elliptic springs at the rear, and a single transverse elliptic at the front, but an "unusually flexible frame" was said to allow 15 inches of vertical movement by either front wheel without appreciable disturbance of body level.[1]

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Rochester Carriage Motor Company, Scientific American Magazine Advertisement, May 17, 1902, p. 358.

The Rochester Carriage Motor Company placed this advertisement in the Scientific American on May 17, 1902, p. 358.

[1]Georgano, G. N., Encyclopedia of American Automobiles, (New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1968), p. 172.

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