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Timken was - and is - a major supplier of bearings and axles to the automotive industry.

Timken_Detroit Axle Company Factory, postcard, front Timken_Detroit Axle Company Factory, postcard, reverse

The Timken-Detroit Axle Company's factory as shown on a period postcard.

Timken-Detroit Axle Company, 1915 Brochure, The Anatomy of Automobile Axles. Timken Roller Bearing Company, 1915 Brochure, On the Care & Character of Bearings.

Timken produced a series of brochures in 1915 under the heading of Timken Primer. Here are two of these catalogues. On the left is the Timken-Detroit Axle Company's 72-page brochure entitled On the Anatomy of Automobile Axles. On the right is the Timken Roller Bearing Company's 32-page brochure entitled On the Care & Character of Bearings. Note the similarity of the logo designs.

imken-Detroit Axle Company Advertising Blotter, 1949

This Timken-Detroit Axle Company blotter shows the tapered design of the company's bearings.

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