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The Ormond was an expensive steam car made in very limited numbers. It had a 4-cylinder opposed engine of 15 hp, and carried elaborate seven-passenger bodywork. The price was $3,000.[1]

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Prescott Automobile Manufacturing Company, Horseless Age, January 15, 1905, p. 61, Conde Collection.

In January 1904, Cycle and Automobile Trade Journal carried this list of used steam cars for sale. Sellers were offering the Prescott, White, Grout, and United Motor Vehicle cars. No Stanleys were listed. John A. Conde Collection.

United Motor & Vehicle Company , Motor Magazine advertisement, January 1905

In January 1905 Motor Magazine carried this United Motor & Vehicle Company advertisement on page 124.

[1]Georgano, G. N., Encyclopedia of American Automobiles, (New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1968), p. 146.

Contact us if you have additional information about the United Motor and Vehicle Company, or The Ormond, or if you have questions.

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Society of Automotive Historians

The Society of Automotive Historians bestowed its prestigious 2015 Ingersoll Award on the VSCM web site.

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