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This image of a car show in Wellington, New Zealand in 1923 shows the Stanley Chassis on which the Dannevirke body was built. There is a Stanley Model 740 Touring Car in the exhibit as well. Source: Stewart Archive.

Stewart Archive - Dannevirke Bodied Stanley Stewart Archive - Dannevirke Bodied Stanley

This image of the Dannevirke Bodied Stanely carries H. H. Stewart's personal notes. The image is stamped "c. L. Neilsen & Co. Agents, Coachbuilders and Moto[r] Engineering, High Street, Dannevirke". Source: Stewart Archive.

Stewart wrote the following on the back of this image:

This is another photo of Fornie's car taken in Dannevirke just as I was leaving for Hastings. I think this picture could be published in The "Steam Car" or "Stored Power" without casting any undesirable reflections on "The Stanley."

The rear portion of the body looks somewhat overdone in the photo, but [on?] the road the car possesses a very pleasing and dignified appeara[nce].

The photo was taken by the manag[er] of the body building dept of Neilsens [who?] was personally responsible for its original design and construction. He tells me it took a panel beater 6 weeks to beat out the steel panels for this body.

It is a very fine job and does them great credi[t].

Stewart Archive - Dannevirke Bodied Stanley - left rear view Stewart Archive - Dannevirke Bodied Stanley Right Front View

These two photos show the left rear of the car and the right front of the car. Source: Stewart Archive.

Stewart Archive - Dannevirke Bodied Stanley Stewart Archive - Dannevirke Bodied Stanley

This is a second copy of the image above with H. H. Stewart's notes on the reverse. Source: Stewart Archive.

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Stanley Promotional Material 1920 - 1923

Dannevirke Bodied Stanley

Steam Busses

Stanley Promotional Material 1924 and 1925

Steam Vehicle Corporation SV Prototype and Factory

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John Stewart's Stanley

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Baker Steam Motors Co.

Besler Steam Airplane

Bolsover Boiler

Bouton Steam Car

Brooks Steam Motors Co.

Coats Steam Car Company

Cruban Machine and Steel Corp.

Delling Motors Company

Doble Trial Articles

Doble-Detroit Steam Motors Company

Lawler Steam-Mobile Company

Standard Engineering Company Scott-Newcomb

Steam Appliance Corporation of America

Yorkshire Steam Wagon